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Danielle’s Field Notes from Grenada

“We Adapt”

Danielle’s Field Notes from Grenada

Heather (Afya’s Chief of Programs) and I recently did what we do well together-travel to a nation we aim to support, authentically ask people in many different health care settings what they need, listen carefully and then head home to pack the supplies needed. The voices of those on the ground, delivering care, should dictate the entirety of shipment manifests. The goal of this visit was to meet the nurses we will supply so they can better help the thousands they care for steadily.

With the support and investment of the Prime Minister, Minister of Health and GDAC, we visited the general hospital, and medical centers and stations island wide.

Memorable Moments…..

One nurse remarked “We really need gloves and run out often.”  We asked what she does when they run out and she responded “we do no touch care”

At another site, we saw metal bowls of instruments and gauze/cotton balls heading for the sterilizer. I asked about this and the nurse responded

“We don’t have enough so we need to autoclave all of our gauze”

At a center nestled in the north, deep in the mountains, when we asked a nurse what she needed she responded

“It’s such a strange question, I don’t think about what I need, I just adapt to what is”

This is where Afya comes in – no longer do these remarkable healthcare professionals need to minimize their professional needs. Afya’s supplies can impact the stories of generations to follow.

Our first of many containers just arrived in Grenada – many of the nurses we met will benefit from the first round of deliveries.

Adapting in life is important and a glimpse at resilience.

And we can do better for health providers here – its ok to need, be heard and supported.

A few months from now, healthcare in Grenada could be very different.

The right supplies, when needed most, can catalyze everything!