Worldwide Medical Donations


We deliver. Afya creates access to critical medical supplies where there is none, supplies like sutures, bandages, assorted surgical instruments, and more. Afya’s programs give these supplies a second life, diverting them from landfills to wherever they are needed—making us a vital link in the global medical supply chain.

Our model recognizes that each hospital, government, and clinic face disparate public health conditions. Afya is unique in that it customizes each shipment to the specified needs of healthcare providers on the ground, ensuring only needed items are delivered which is crucial in medical emergencies when healthcare workers do not have the time to sort through surplus items.

health systems

Health System Strengthening

Customized shipments of medical supplies bolster compromised and under-resources health systems abroad.

Recent areas of work: Ghana, Guinea, Uganda, Saint Lucia, the Dominican Republic


Health and humanitarian supplies are delivered to community health centers, school-based health centers, and community-based service organizations treating those facing health care barriers and serving diverse, under-resourced communities in the United States.

Recent areas of work: New York State Community-Based Organizations and Health Centers, Puerto Rico Women’s Health Services, Westchester School-Based Health Services



Afya provides durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs and walkers to elders and the disabled, and offers training for caregivers on fitting equipment and its proper use.

Recent areas of work: Cape Town Townships of South Africa, Fort Dix-Afghan Refugees, Puerto Rico


When natural and man-made disasters strike, Afya works with those already on the ground in impacted regions to identify needs and take immediate action to deliver customized shipments from its warehouse of rescued supplies and equipment.

Recent areas of work: Covid-19 in the U.S. and 13 additional countries, Earthquake in Haiti, Ebola outbreak in Uganda, Hurricanes Fiona in Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic, Hurricane Ian in Florida, War in Ukraine

disaster relief