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Learning and Expressing Gratitude


Social Media Intern Reflections

Isabella Bouvard

When we were first ordered to stay at home in March due to COVID-19, I found myself longing to have more activities to fill my time. When I found out that Afya was offering a Social Media Intern position, I immediately applied.

At that point, I had no idea that my time at Afya would be such a positive learning and growing experience for me.

I was not only able to work with an organization that was helping to combat this disease, but I had the ability to glimpse into the hardships that those working in healthcare experienced during this time. This made me so grateful that there are those willing to put their lives on the line for others to provide care. Seeing the images of protected workers and the shipments Afya provided to facilities all across the state opened my eyes to how big of a crisis that this really was.

Yes, there is so much on social media that others were looking into, but we really got to see these images on a weekly basis and look into the many places that were so grateful for the supplies that we had given them.

Despite being quarantined, with the world seemingly coming to a stop, it is important to realize that while we are comfortable at home that these doctors, nurses, EMTs, etc. are working so hard on the front lines in order to help victims of this crisis. 

I also thought that this experience was a great way to connect with new people and learn about their points of view, especially since the death of George Floyd and the start of nationwide protests. There is change desperately needed throughout the country and many are blind towards systemic racial issues. I am so grateful to have mentors at Afya facilitating these important conversations.