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Tag Archives: Health

Afya In 2020

As we all reflect on the intense and world shifting events of 2020, we hope [...]

The Impact of Bipolar Disorder

Afya is a non-traditional work environment that provides opportunities for individuals who have a medical [...]

The History of Healthcare Services for Native American Elderly & its Implications for Covid-19 Relief

Native Americans have the highest rate of Coronavirus infections in the United States. Native elders, [...]

Helping Survivors of Apartheid in Cape Town, South Africa

South Africa needs our help and supplies during this crisis.

Coronavirus Impact

Learn about the impact Afya is making during this COVID-19 Pandemic. We are diligently helping [...]

Protecting Our Frontline Healthcare Workers

Today, right here with the COVID-19 pandemic in New York, the need for action and [...]

Help Make Masks & Face-Shields at Home

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks, goggles, and face shields are in short supply [...]

Afya in Crain’s Health Pulse

Afya is partnering with Hudson River Health Care in Peekskill, which will serve as a [...]

Afya featured by City Biz List

Read the original article at: AFYA & Partners To Provide Health Supplies For Covid-19 In [...]

Sending Materials to Wuhan, China

Afya was featured in Newswire donating supplies to Wuhan, China. Read the original article at: [...]