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Learn more about Afya’s work delivering vital medical supplies to those in need, the volunteers and staff who make it happen, and the impact our deliveries have on communities.

A Whole Lot of Holism at Afya

Occupational Therapy Volunteer

Occupational Therapy Student Blog Post December 14, 2020 Carina Frantz, Mercy College Occupational Therapy Program My internship as an occupational therapy student at Afya Foundation has illustrated for me how vital a holistic approach is to occupational therapy (OT). Combining medical and social models, OT understands that people have been shaped by ongoing physical and […]

Afya In 2020


As we all reflect on the intense and world shifting events of 2020, we hope you will recall the stark differences in access to healthcare that COVID-19 has highlighted.  Afya’s mission has always been to support the fight for access to quality healthcare, and with your donation we can continue providing needed and necessary supplies […]

The Importance of Purpose

Occupational Therapy Volunteer

Occupational Therapy Student Blog Post December 15, 2020 Alyssa Gennaro, Towson University  Rachel Hollembaek, Towson University Being occupational therapy students at Afya has heightened our awareness of how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted everyone’s lives. We have learned the importance of how engaging individuals in meaningful activities can result in a feeling of purpose. Individuals define […]

The Impact of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Afya is a non-traditional work environment that provides opportunities for individuals who have a medical diagnosis, such as Bipolar disorder. Individuals with bipolar disorder may have a variety of symptoms including episodes of mania and depression. These symptoms may impact an individual at Afya when searching a table for items, identifying expiration dates, or concentrating on counting supplies. OTs implement strategies that can be used in and out of the workplace, such as deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, and self-soothing techniques. OTs strive to advocate for the client to identify an optimal fit of function so that they may have a productive work routine!

Social Isolation, Together

Social Isolation

Occupational Therapy Student Blog Post Dec 1, 2020 Euka Beloria, Dominican College Carissa Martinez-Cabral, Dominican College The government has had to enforce “social distancing” measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 and protect the vulnerable. Although these strategies were necessary to protect the public’s physical health, they have also had a negative impact on mental […]

Why I Chose Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Volunteers

Occupational Therapy Student Intern Blog Reflections Miranda O’Brien, NYU November 4, 2020 I decided to become an Occupational Therapist while growing up with my younger brother who is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I saw him face challenges to achieve academic success, socialize, and become independent. I want to be an Occupational Therapist to support […]

A College Student’s Perspective in the Middle of a Global Pandemic


The Coronavirus has drastically impacted every sphere of private and public life this year. As a college student, I feel this keenly. Nothing about this school year has been normal. I never would have imagined that Covid-19 would be such a central theme in my life, but I feel lucky to have the opportunity to live off-campus, have a small community, communicate in person with my professors, and make a difference with Afya during this turbulent time.

50 Shades of Occupational Therapy


Sixteen years ago, my father had emergency surgery, and as a result he suffered a minor stroke. He was sent to rehabilitation where he received occupational therapy (OT). I was with him everyday. There, I discovered OT and what it provided to my father in order for him to live a functional life while living with physical, mental and emotional challenges. I realized that I wanted to be a part of the world of OT and provide people with various abilities opportunities to be their best self they can be.